Monday, September 17, 2007

"The difference between perserverance and obstinacy is that one often comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't"

The austere simplicity is killing me. I have always been a 'stickler' for wanting people break out of their molds. But watching people try to succeed in life, but not breaking out of their metaphorical "shells" is saddening. I am like that, which is why I am sad today. I am sad at myself.

I am afraid to break out of the norm, because I am possibly afraid that something might actually change. I am afraid that my routine may be altered. I fear change. I fear commitment even though I yearn for it. I fear getting married even though I want to.

I fear the things that would be a stop to the usual. I fear the fact that I may have to put my life on hold for something else. I want to go back to school, quit my job and get my master's degree, but what am I scared of?

But I guess I just won't do anything about these things that I am thinking about today. I guess I'll just sit around and write another blog about them, because thats the easiest way to solve something....write a blog about it.

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